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Wednesday, February 14, 2018 - 22:35
Ruta Buses
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 22:20
Actividades en plan B-Emergencia Lunes 19 y Martes 20
Friday, January 19, 2018 - 16:14
Nadando contra la corriente: Un contexto de Simulación Robótica

Les presentamos un paper escrito por una de nuestras sobresalientes investigadoras en el Campus Julio León Prado, Cecilia Tapia, Ph.D.


Los peces en la naturaleza aprovechan de algunos tipos de turbulencia e inclusive la generan para poder nadar con un gasto mínimo de energía. Este es el caso observado en las truchas arcoíris que nadan contra la corriente dentro de las llamadas calles de vórtices de Karman. Los ambientes de simulación de robots acuáticos no incluyen flujos turbulentos ni la posibilidad de entrenar controladores en ellos. Es por eso que, para poder entender mejor como diseñar un robot que aproveche la turbulencia del medio para ahorrar energía, se ha generado un ambiente de simulación basado en un simulador de cuerpos rígidos (webots) y un plugin de física. Este plugin se ha desarrollado en base a una abstracción generalizada en el área útil de calles de vórtices de Karman. Este ambiente permite la simulación de robots diseñados por el usuario y al mismo tiempo la programación del controlador de dicho robot.

Friday, January 5, 2018 - 16:39
Visita de Javier Alejandro Rodríguez Camacho. Ph.D.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 - 09:17
Indígenas y mujeres en la democracia electoral.
Monday, December 11, 2017 - 18:22
Ranking Empresas 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017 - 11:04
Ranking Líderes 2017

Felicitamos el liderazgo de nuestras autoridades, según el *ranking merco - monitor empresarial de reputación corporativa.

Friday, November 24, 2017 - 11:55
Instructivo COLACIÓN DE GRADO 2017

Tenemos el agrado de anunciarles la realización de la VIGÉSIMA PRIMERA COLACIÓN DE GRADO DE CAMPUS COCHABAMBA, convocándoles a participar de la misma.

Friday, November 17, 2017 - 14:28

Prosthetics is an important field in engineering due to the large number of amputees worldwide and the associated
problems such as limited functionality of the state of the art. An important functionality of the human hand is its
capability of adjusting the stiffness of the joints depending on the currently performed task. For the development of new
technology it is important to understand the limitations of existing resources. As part of our efforts to develop a variable
stiffness grasper for developing countries a systematic review was performed covering technology of body powered and
myoelectric hand prosthesis. Focus of the review is readiness of prosthetic hands regarding their capability of
controlling the stiffness of the end effector. Publications sourced through three different digital libraries were
systematically reviewed on the basis of the PRISMA standard. We present a search strategy as well as the PRISMA
assessment of the resulting records which covered 321 publications. The records were assessed and the results are presented for the ability of devices to control their joint stiffness. The review indicates that body powered prosthesis are preferred to myoelectric hands due to the reduced cost, the simplicity of use and because of their inherent ability to provide feedback to the user. Stiffness control was identified but has not been fully covered in the current state of the art. In addition we summarise the identified requirements on prosthetic hands as well as related information which can support the development of new prosthetics.

Monday, October 16, 2017 - 18:36
Cobertura Periódico Los Tiempos- Separata Especial Bodas de Plata UPB