
  • Ruth Marcela Aparicio Universidad Privada Boliviana

Palabras clave:

Improvement in Terms of Trade, Nontraditional Exports, Difference in Differences, Propensity Score Matching-Difference in Differences, Synthetic Control Method, Latin American Countries


Since 2004 some economies in Latin America, including Bolivia, have experienced an improvement in their terms of trade.  In this research we investigate the causal effect of this improvement on nontraditional exports. We focus on before and after the increase in terms of trade and analyze how this improvement affects export performance. To identify this causal effect we rely on dynamic analysis and we use four different microeconometric techniques: Difference in differences, Kernel propensity score matching, difference in differences combined with propensity score matching, and synthetic control method.  Each one of these  improves estimation of  the counterfactual outcome. Thus, this paper reviews the theory of these  impact evaluation methodologies and also analyzes the way in which the theory has developed toward a more systematic  methodology to construct the counterfactual. Our estimation results show that nontraditional exports would have increased if these countries had not had improvements in their terms of trade.


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Afiliación del autor/a

Ruth Marcela Aparicio, Universidad Privada Boliviana

Doctorado en Economía y Administración de Empresas


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Cómo citar

Aparicio, R. M. (2014). TERMS OF TRADE AND NON TRADITIONAL EXPORTS: A MICROECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS. Revista Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 2(14). Recuperado a partir de https://www.upb.edu/revista-investigacion-desarrollo/index.php/id/article/view/24



Economía, Empresa y Sociedad