Contactos Conócenos

Study on Multidimensional Poverty in Bolivia

The project seeks to provide technical assistance in the construction of a multidimensional development agenda, linked to the comprehensive analysis of the pillars of the Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES); and on the other hand, provide specific advisory support by generating research knowledge on strategic PDES issues.

In the perspective of the objective, the activities carried out within the framework of this agreement are:

To review the academic literature on methods to create multidimensional well-being indicators, recognizing that the IPM multidimensional poverty index stands out in contemporary literature as an indicator that enjoys increasing acceptance internationally.

Identify the information available for the construction of the IPM in Bolivia, and investigate the possibility of applying alternative methodology with the same information.

Analyze the feasibility of measuring multidimensional poverty at different levels, among which the individual, the household and the community can be considered.

Identify the information required to be able to consider more dimensions in the indicators, according to Bolivian needs and reality.

Meetings to present the progress of the results found.

In this sense, the Center for the Generation of Information and Statistics (CEGIE) of the UPB was invited to carry out the corresponding study to fulfill the stated objective.

Carlos Foronda R., MSc.

Ricardo Nogales, PhD
Carlos Foronda, MSc.