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Study of isolated footing settlements in saturated clay soils and sandy soils

Settlements often cause damage to buildings because they are not normally included as part of the actions that request their structure, this because there is a lack of knowledge of the value of the settlement and how it should be included in the structural calculation. Currently, there are no serious studies on settlements, especially in difficult soils such as expansive or collapsible soils, which are those that can cause greater damage when combined with other variables such as changes in humidity or soil pressures.

So, the objective is to obtain reliable parameters of the settlements and turns so that they can be introduced in the calculation models in the different types of soils. This study includes the interaction between neighboring footings. For this research project, reduced-scale models of the medium and the bases that will request it were built, in addition to other measurement accessories.

Marcelo Pardo, Prof.

Marcelo Palacios, Student Civil Engineer