Contactos Conócenos

Use of local meteorological variables in radio propagation studies for the design of terrestrial and inclined path radio links (2017-2019)

The study of meteorological behavior is of great importance to understand the phenomena that affect a signal. From meteorological data it is possible to characterize the atmospheric refraction, multipath effects, atmospheric attenuation due to hydrometeors and gases, phase delay and depolarization. In this framework, this project proposes to open a line of research oriented to the study of the influence of atmospheric phenomena on the propagation of radio waves.

For this purpose, the Radiocommunication Laboratory will begin to perform radiometeorological measurements, mainly pluviometry. Likewise, the availability of other meteorological data sources will be explored at the local level, particularly those available from the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI). All the work to be carried out will be directly supported by international recommendations published by Study Group 3 (SG3) of the International Telecommunication Union, through its Radiocommunication sector (ITU-R).

Responsible researcher:​
Gustavo Siles, PhD